
Informed Doctors No Longer Prescribe Metformin (And Here's Why)

metformin diabetes

People with Type II Diabetes could soon say goodbye to expensive prescription pills, needles, and annoying test strips.  Thanks to a recent breakthrough by a Texas doctor, everything we know about treating Type II Diabetes is about to change.

No more pinpricks! If a "miracle shake" could be the answer for diabetes would you try it?  

Dr. David Pearson has been threatened to have his medical license revoked for even introducing this idea to thousands of Type II diabetes sufferers. 

"I was tired of treating patients with the same old shots and pills and never seeing them really break free of this disease." He said.  "It was time we found a better way."

It took several years of careful study and experimentation, but Dr. Pearson finally discovered a simple method that not only stops Diabetes in its tracks, but actually puts it in reverse.

This method ditches a few foods that actually make Diabetes worse and introduces a "super food" that is baffling doctors on all sides.

Dr. Pearson faced some harsh criticism from the medical community, but none of that criticism came from his patients, most of whom saw amazing success in a matter of weeks.

"Hearing patients say, 'I finally have my life back thanks to you' was all the accolade I needed" says Dr.Pearson.  "The results speak for themselves."

So Why haven't you heard about this method before?  Two words: Big Pharma.  The pharmaceutical industry has done everything they can to squash the release of this information, as they will lose billions of dollars in sales from their precious prescription pills.

With sales expected to be in the tens of billions in 2017, the makers of Metformin are not about to just move aside.

"It's not fair to diabetics to be kept in the dark on this safer alternative option," says Dr. Pearson.

Despite pressure from Big Pharma to drop the issue, Dr. Pearson finally put together a presentation to make this method available to all diabetics ready for a change.

Watch the Presentation Now!

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There has already been a shocking response to this video, which is being viewed and shared in diabetic communities across the internet.

Some viewers have expressed outrage that this information has been hidden from them for so long, while others are overwhelmed saying, "Finally, my life does not revolve around insulin and pills."

Dr. Pearson stresses that his method is something anyone can follow.  "The 'miracle shake' taken at certain times of the day is more powerful than you would think in reversing this disease," he says.

Viewers should use common sense and only stop taking medications with the supervision of a doctor.  This video may be taken down at any time, so if it's still up when you click the link make sure you watch it until the end.

Watch the Presentation Here >>